Sunday, July 15, 2012


More Days

It has been brought to my attention that our countdown should be up dated daily even though not much has been going on I’ll try to keep it up since there has been a formal complaint. Since the power plug was burnt not much exciting has happened thank god I don’t think we can afford any more surprises. The new plug that was shipped in for the boat was built 180° backwards. Yeah hard to believe Marinco must build 1000’s of these plugs and we end up with the one made wrong and the bad news is it would be 7-10 before a new one can be delivered to the marina. When I got this message from Dale our mechanic I thought no problem West Marine in St Charles has this plug, I know this because I just had it in my hand 3 days ago. I called WM gave them the part number yes they still had the plug. I asked that they put it back for me and I’d pick it up when I pass through town tomorrow.

The day I left home I was on a mission get to St Charles p/u the plug and get to the marina before Dale gets off work at 3:30 PM so he could install the plug, and I could enjoy a night of A/C. This was not in the stars tonight, I could have made the marina in plenty of time, but Mr. Murphy showed up about 100 miles out from the marina. I got a very weird feeling I had the wrong plug…surly not. I pulled off the road and checked the plug; crap I was given a 50 amp 125/250V plug not a 50 amp 125V very big difference. Aggravated to say the least, the next WM now is in Nashville, TN but being a prepared captain I do have the WM catalog with me in the truck it was on my things to bring to the boat list. I called Nashville they have the plug. I reconfirm, 50A/125V yes we have the plug was the reply and yes we’ll hold it for you. Now the plan was to leave early from the boat the next morning drive to Nashville and return with the plug in hand. Then it occurred after plotting a course to Nashville I could be there by 4:00 PM and have it in hand for Dale on the AM. So, that’s what I did I went on to Nashville. Driving 13 hours I left KC  at 6:00 AM drove to Nashville, TN arriving back at Kuttawa, KY at 7:00 PM, 13 hours nonstop driving sort of I had to stop for gas, drive through Mickey D’s for lunch, and a couple of rest stops. When I pulled into the marina I was a tired puppy I didn’t even notice we didn’t have A/C too much.

This week I have been doing an extended list of honey do’s while I’m here. Nothing major just odd and ends work a couple hours, take a nap, and think about the afternoons project, work a few more hours. Have some dinner, and a cold Ice Tea (while in Kentucky Ice Tea is code for rum & coke damn crazy alcohol laws) on the back deck while planning the next day’s chores if I don’t get ‘em all this time there is always the next time. Life’s great huh!

See you on the water.

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