Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Keeping warm in Port Canaveral, FL

Keeping warm in Port Canaveral, FL

Ahhhhhhh winter in Florida. Mid 70’s sometime the low 80’s (mostly), warm tropical breezes, palm trees, flowers, how could it get any better? We have enjoyed the warm weather here in Florida this winter. Even when the temps dip into the 40’s and 50’s over night we know we are a lot warmer than KC.

We have also enjoyed having some visitors! We mentioned in our last post that my grade school friends, Mark and Sherrie, came from Kissimmee to spend a few days before they departed on a Disney Cruise. Mark had hurt his back the morning they were to come over and was down hard all the time they were here. He essentially stayed between the couch and the bedroom. Our weather was far from ideal that weekend as well so we mostly stayed on the boat, exchanged old stories, watched some football and played cards.  Along with Mark’s back issues, Sherrie started getting a nasty cough that got progressively worse. In spite of it all Sherrie insisted that that she would not miss her ride on the mouse boat.

The dockage for the cruise ships is only a 5 minute drive for us so Monday we dropped Mark and Sherrie off for their Mickey Mouse Cruise. The following Friday when we picked them up we learned Mark had gotten slightly better with the back pain but Sherrie had pretty much been down for the count with some form of bronchial infection. Their Disney Cruise wasn’t quite what they had expected.

We quickly found ourselves getting ready for our next visitors, Anna’s sister Judy and her partner Paul. Prior to their arrival the weather was just plain crappy. Each day was filled with a blustering breeze and temperatures in the mid 50’s. Not cold by mid-western terms, but none the less cold here. A 20 MPH wind over the water converts the 50’s into the 30’s wind chill. Only the hardy of us are still wearing shorts and tee shirts.

The weather wasn’t all that great while they were here but the sun gods did bless us with one lovely day.  And we took full advantage of it to finally get back out on the water.   Our Pig hadn’t been out her slip since our arrival in Cape Canaveral and she was ready to run, even if it was only a 16 mile trip. The trek was short by her normal 75 plus mile daily runs but it was a good feeling to captain her again. The sun was out, and the wind was warm blowing out of the south at about 8-10 MPH.
We started in the calm protected waters of the port channel with our destination being the #2 red sea buoy, a distance of 8 miles out. Once we hit the ocean at green marker #9 King Neptune was still showing his sense of humor. While not as rough as previous days ours seas that day were 2’-3’ spaced on 6 seconds which converted to a bouncy ride. There was even a little spray over the bow heading into the wind. Yeeehaaa! Arriving at the red 2 we turned back toward the port channel, the wind was now on our stern which made the ride a bit smoother.

On our way back our guests caught a glimpse of why we enjoy boating. We were all treated to the antics of the diving frigate birds. These little white birds fold their wings and become a spearhead, plunging into the water from heights of around 50-60’, and usually come up with a fish. We witnessed one bird make his dive and come up with a fish, just to be attacked by another frigate that actually was successful in stealing the newly caught fish but quickly dropped it. The original bird swooped in and caught the fish in mid air then flew off to eat his dinner unbothered.
"Way too much sunscreen"       
As we approached the calmer water of the inlet we saw a small pod of dolphins playing their dolphin games, but none wanted to swim with the boat that day, as they often do. Later the same day we enjoyed a sunset dinner at a local restaurant as we watched the huge red/orange ball set over the glass calm bay, without a cloud in the sky. It was a good thing we had such a lovely day because winter was back the following morning with more rain and cold temps. 
Judy and Paul left the following morning and Anna’s friend Sharon arrived that afternoon. A cruise ship staff couldn’t have moved much faster than we did washing sheets and freshening the guest quarters.  Sharon stayed for about 5 days but she wasn’t able to bring us any warm weather for her stay either. As a result, there was no beach time for Sharon either. We are now running 0 for 3 on taking our guest to the beach.
Sharon is old, like us and had never been to Walt Disney World. While I don’t personally see that as a catastrophe it was on her bucket list so the girls met Sherrie at Epcot and had a marvelous day even though it was cold enough for heavy jackets.  The girls also took a road trip one day someplace up north. Both times I stayed home to make sure no one stole the TV. You can never be too careful.
We were able to show Sharon the gem of the area, “the flea market” down in Melbourne, FL. Like any flea market it has everything imaginable from produce, to car tires, tools, cell phone cases (lots of cell phone cases), pets, house plants…..and those one of a kind items you only see advertised on TV.  We drove around the area some and she got to get out of the car long enough to see the beach, even though it was still cold and windy.
Sunday the three of us went out on the Victory Cruise, a gaming boat that goes out past the three mile line of demarcation so people can lose money legally. The buffet was less than expected, the crowds acted like they hadn’t eaten in weeks, and honestly the food wasn’t that good either. Maybe I was expecting better, something like the gambling boats in KC. Since we’re not gamblers we only lost the two complimentary $5 chips they gave us at boarding. One thing for sure this will be our last Victory Cruise, cruise. We had a nice time sitting in the sun just hanging outside on the deck, though we had to keep swapping sides to avoid the wind and stay in the sun as the boat made its turns.
The day Sharon departed, our weather finally improved. The sunny warm days returned. That afternoon Anna and I rode our bikes down to Jetty Park, a Florida state park about 3 miles from our marina, and walked the beach. Like all state parks in Florida the entry into the park is always free; however parking is another thing, 10 bucks for all day. That’s why the bikes are great assets.

Another Project

The day before Sharon departed the float in the shower sump pump started acting up. I wasn’t surprised as I had expected it needed cleaning.  I had earlier decided though if it was working why fuss with it. It seemed the time had come.

Cleaning the pump is not especially complicated; the real issue is you have to pull up half the carpet in our bedroom to gain access to the sump hole and then lay on your stomach to work. As with all my projects the first thing out of my tool bag is my trusted partner Anna, she’s always there to help no matter how nasty the project.


Access to the shower sump
 Cleaning a sump pump doesn’t compare with
working on the heads but soapy shower water that has been sitting for awhile has its own unique fragrance. After I removed the slime covered filter I took it outside and blasted it with the water hose. Then we cleaned the soapy, slimy water out of the sump, and ran several cycles of hot water through the pump. Everything worked properly so we re-installed the filter, re-laid the carpet. A job well done! All this took about 2 hours, a great way to bond with your mate in the morning, although I can think of some better ways to bond.

That afternoon Anna took a shower and came up stairs with news the pump wouldn’t shut off. We operated one day by turning the pump off and on as needed at the breaker panel, not ideal but it worked while we chased prices. It was off to West Marine, our checking prices all done.
I knew it was the float but a new float is $40 and would still leave us with an old pump that could stop at anytime too. I opted for the new sump box complete with new float and pump. For a cost of only $130 it was easier to wire up too, only two wires. (How was that for using every imaginable way to spell “2”?) Anna held the light, ran the go-fer duties, and photo recorded the whole moment then re-laid the carpet by herself.
With the sump fixed we were again project free but not for too long. Anna told me Sharon had commented on a funky smell in the v-berth sleeping area before she left.  When we went in that area, we could smell it too.  This couldn’t be good. A funky smell can only mean one thing; the front sump pump is having an issue too. I guess with all the company the pump got a work out when it wasn’t used to working at all since we never shower down there. But I’ll have to wait for WM to get another sump box in stock.
Always something to do on a boat, I just wish you didn’t have to become a pretzel to work on things. It’s hell getting old; either you can’t see it, or you can’t reach it, or you can’t get in that position for more than a few seconds before your legs, your back or both start cramping. Then the next few days after you’re so sore you wish you had written a check.

The Ugly Side of Boating

I want to go on the record I never liked any of the salon furniture, but I figured I could live with it for awhile, well the “awhile” has arrived. We have the option of buying real house furniture since we have the space and the sliding door for entry. I have been getting the bug to change things out, a project which doesn’t require bending, or flexing only writing a check. So we have been furniture shopping.
Orlando and Melbourne, FL seem to be the furniture market Mecca. However even the cheap stuff is pricy by fixed income standards and going to set me back a few thousand for the items I wanted. Then, like in everyday life, just as you have a way to fulfill your want list the kids need braces or the summer camp dues are due. Well it now appears our child needs braces and camp dues. The salon A/C has died.

 RIP the old unit is out and setting on dock
The A/C man has just departed leaving the ugly news behind as he escaped out the side door. The air handler condenser is leaking and is un-repairable so we’re in need of a new unit. There is not much to think about. The old unit has had a long life by A/C standards and we nursed it as long as possible. With all the glass in the salon we could never survive a Florida winter, little alone a Florida summer without a working A/C unit, so Friday morning is installation day for the A/C and good bye furniture.

The new unit is installed, can you see the similarity to a loveseat it has!
We did decide to remove the bar in the dining area and called our new best friend Jim Starr, Jim removed the stair railing, and door frames on the washing machine installation project. His craftsmanship is impeccable, so calling Jim for the bar removal was a no brainer. Just the supplies he brings is worth his cost. If I had to go out and purchase it I would spend $100+ in materials and then have to find a spot to store all the extra.
We are hoping removing the bar will give us the additional space in the dining area without buying a smaller table. I really think a smaller table is in order but I’ll give it a try. Removing the bar was a tough decision, I wanted to eliminate the dining table, enlarge the bar to twice its size, then get two new bar stools. Anna wanted a table to eat at. I guess you see where this is heading, and who won this argument. So we have compromised, the table stays, and the bar goes. It’s so hard to argue with someone who is always right. That’s why I have her to bounce my silly ideas off of. As she says, “I always have ideas, and some of them are even good”.
"Sorry for the sloppy picture layout this is normally Anna's job but her computer is on the fritz's and until her new one arrives this what you get! Frank "

See ya on the water

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