Monday, September 30, 2013

When we last posted we had just arrived in Washington DC.  It was still summer.  We were looking forward to having lots of time to explore the city and we were anticipating the purchase of a different vessel.  I could regale you with stories of monuments and museums and even mention that we were there for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington but the Captain would say, “Get real.  The only important thing is the boat”.  So here goes. 

We are soon to become the proud owners of that 55ft Viking we mentioned at the beginning of the last post.  It wasn’t all pretty.  Offers were made and countered.  A couple of times we told our broker they could keep their boat, nicely of course.  The search continued….but we just kept coming back to this particular Viking.  So finally the deal was struck.  She’s not perfect, but she's close and meets a lot of the things we were looking for. The galley (with a dishwasher) and salon are on the main floor and rival most New York apartments in size, there's a nice fly bridge and enough room for lots of company with all three guest bedrooms located far away from the master.   She doesn’t have a Garmin chart plotter but we have been assured we’ll like the one in there, and we’re excited about a boat with bow thrusters. 

The engines checked out and the general survey didn’t uncover any deal breakers.  The financing is in place so now all we need is a couple of final reports and set a day for closing.  I’m a little nervous about handling this boat.  She’s a lot bigger (13’) than the current pig but the Captain piloted her during the sea trial and thinks it’s cake.  I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it and in the mean time I’ll enjoy all that extra room. 
Our new lady, out of the water for survey

In her home slip, just waiting for us!

We are in the process of moving the current Pig back to Norfolk.  It’s a little nostalgic knowing these next couple of days will be our last with her.  We are still working out all of the logistics and will be posting more as plans come together.  In the mean time I’ll add some pictures of the new lady in our lives as well as some of those museums and monuments.  

The Capitol sailing club right by our marina
The National Art Gallery lawn art.  The Captain is a sheet metal guy so this caught his attention.

Optical illusion fun at the National Art Museum

The Vietnam Memorial

Women in the Military Monument, a wonderful tribute

We were there for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.  Didn't exactly see Presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter except for on the jumbo screen but it was a terrific day, rain and all.  

At the Marine Corp Museum they had a special area for little folks including dress up stuff.  
The Captain could relate to this even though it was 40 years ago.  

Martin Luther King memorial

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