Friday, October 4, 2013

Patience Suck!

They say buzzards are patient as they wait their turn in the food chain.  Generally I'm the one teasing Anna about her lack of this quality but right now we’re both running a little short on patience.  

Last Friday we had the survey on the boat’s structure and systems, all went great. The surveyor told us as we left the boat that we should have the report by Wednesday (2 days ago) and we still haven't seen it. So currently we are in a holding pattern and unable to move forward. The bank and the insurance company need to see the survey and give their seal of approval to release our funds and start our insurance. Both are needed before we can take possession of the boat. We are anxious to start our migration south even though we don’t have a specific destination.

We moved the Carver from DC to Norfolk, VA last weekend. We had some really great boating days but the leaves are starting to change and the mornings are cool. The temps are still reaching the 80’s so we are really missing some beautiful boating days. We know those will soon be in short supply. Now we are watching the tropical storm in the Gulf. It looks like the winds won’t make this area but the rain will. The clock is ticking because we plan a quick trip home the end of October and we need to get our new “Pig” to a safe and warmer location before leaving her.

So here we are now just sitting and waiting in Norfolk. We had planned to go see the Jamestown area and the battlefields this week but a lot of that is now closed since the government has shutdown. The good news is we received an offer on the Carver yesterday. We are still far apart on the money but that’s normal with the first round. That’s about it for now think I’ll go have a rum & coke and wait some more on the back deck as I wait to watch the sun set.

See you on the water

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